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5 Signs It’s Time to Rebrand Your Business

Deciding when it’s time to rebrand your business (or personal brand) can be daunting if you’re overthinking the decision. Especially if you’re not sure if you even need to completely rebrand. There’s a difference between rebranding and refreshing your business or personal brand. When you rebrand, you’re completely revamping your brand from top to bottom. For a business or personal brand, a rebrand might include reevaluating your target audience, revamping your photography, overhauling your entire image, creating a brand new logo, and even updating your positioning statement, to name a few. A brand refresh on the other hand, will be less risky than a complete overhaul. This is where you’ll tweak some of the components of your brand to keep up with current trends in your industry or market.

Here are the top 5 signs it’s time to fully rebrand your business or personal brand:

Your brand is expanding.

If your brand is growing and there are other avenues you’d like to explore, it may be time for a full rebrand. The audience you’ve been targeting before in your marketing efforts, may not be the right audience as you expand and grow. For example: If you’re used to working with small businesses, bloggers, and entrepreneurs, but the majority of your clients are established business owners and corporate business – it’s time to speak directly to the audience that’s bringing in the mula.

You’re not proud of your branding.

This is a big one for me. During my free consultations with my clients, I always ask first and foremost if they are proud of the brands they currently have. Majority of the time it’s a “no”, which is why they’re consulting with us, but I have to ask to understand exactly why. If you’re not proud of your branding, what’s the point? You won’t be confident enough to sell your services and show it off. Make sure you’re proud of the brand you’re putting out.

You want consistency.

Does it seem like your brand is just all over the place? Your current website doesn’t match your brand collateral, business cards, and brochures or media kits? It may be time to take a step back and evaluate all of your brand assets to prepare for a rebrand. Remember, consistency equals loyalty. Your clients will value a clean, consistent aesthetic.

You want to switch up your image.

Are you still using your brand photos from 2005? There’s a chance the way you look has changed over the years. Your image should always be up to date and reflect the best you possible. Or maybe your business has always been perceived as one to service a certain audience, but you’ve outgrown the audience and your materials still reflect the old. A rebrand will be the solution to upgrade your look and feel.

Your message is unclear.

You may know your “why” and what your business stands for, but it may not come out as clear when you put it down on paper. This is a common dilemma when you offer a variety of services and are trying to figure out what buzzwords you should use to promote yourself. Getting clarity on your message is super important and needs to be clear so you’re not sending the wrong message to your consumers.

Still unclear on whether you should commit to a rebrand or refresh? Contact me with questions or leave a comment below!


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Hi, I’m Xiomelie!

A brand strategist and website designer who helps CEOs, service-providers and industry experts elevate their online presence with a brand strategy and visuals that captures the essence of who they truly are – with clarity & confidence.

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